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The Safeguarding Alliance

The Safeguarding Alliance aims to raise standards, professionalise and empower practitioners of today, to safeguard and protect future generations of tomorrow. We are passionate and committed to driving forward a global culture of safeguarding excellence within every organisation and across every sector.

Every child, young person and adult at risk deserves to live free from harm, abuse and neglect and should treated with dignity and respect. This can only be achieved when safeguarding is understood, prioritised and embedded into every aspect of practice.

As a leading firm we are often referred to as safeguarding experts, but as safeguarding is an ever evolving continuum we strongly believe there are no experts. We have a team of dedicated, highly professional, specialists in their fields, who are committed to the values, ethos and mission of The Safeguarding Alliance.

More recently, The Safeguarding Alliance have identified a serious safeguarding loophole whereby registered sex offenders  are able to change their name by deed poll both enrolled and un-enrolled, and go under the radar of all authorities, putting societies most vulnerable at considerable and immediate risk of harm. This renders both the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme (otherwise known as ‘Sarah’s Law’) and the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme ( otherwise known as ‘Claire’s Law’) redundant, and makes a mockery of the legal system.

We have relentlessly campaigned to close this loophole and recently changes have been made toe Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021 in relation to birth certificate checks. Further information can be found here: