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Vicky Saward

Head of Training - Schools Division - Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Our Head of Training, Vicky Saward, brings more than 15 years’ experience of working both in and with schools. She taught modern foreign languages in the UK and Europe before taking on school leadership roles and becoming more passionately involved in supporting student and staff wellbeing. Before joining the Anna Freud Centre Vicky was a manager within the HeadStart research and development programme, where she trained staff in a range of education settings to embed whole-setting approaches to mental health and wellbeing and create sustainable culture change for the whole school community. As Head of Training, she continues this work and values and practices strong communication, inclusion, and creativity within her training development and delivery. Vicky leads a team of School Engagement Trainers Vicky and engages with national and international audiences addressing a wide range of aspects affecting children and young people’s mental health.