22nd NovemberNovember 22, 2023
Main Stage
9:20 am - 9:30 am
Chair’s Address

Welcome to the Schools and Academies Show 2023, Birmingham


Stephen Morales
Chief Executive
Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)
Jon Severs
Main Stage
9:30 am - 9:50 am
Opening Keynote Address: Address From The Secretary of State for Education
  • The role of technology in education
  • Britain in 20 years’ time and the skills we will need
  • The importance of working with local business to support learners entering the work place
Business & Finance Theatre
10:00 am - 10:30 am
New ISBL Standards
  • How the standards will support your work in schools
  • What the standards mean for the professional body
  • Steps to take in order to meet the new standards


Stephen Morales
Chief Executive
Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)
SEND Theatre
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Meeting the Needs of the Changing Profile of Pupils with SEN
  • Effective management of SEND budgets and resources
  • Ensuring sufficiency of capacity and provision
  • Understanding the impact of the new EHCP and implications on identifying pupils with need
  • With SEND diagnosis on the rise, what should schools be doing to support pupils in meeting need?


Sonal Desai
Area SEND Lead
Croydon Council
John Reilly
Addington Valley Academy
Wellbeing & Safeguarding Theatre
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Underlying It All Is… Behaviour
  • Utilising and engaging your wider community to support your behaviour management
  • Systems and structures which support positive behaviours and the knock on with regards to wellbeing
  • Your school’s network’s role in safeguarding and supporting wellbeing
  • The relationship between managing behaviour and attendance


Jon Needham
Director of Safeguarding
Oasis Community Learning Multi-Academy Trust


Karl Pupé
The Action Hero Teacher
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Session Sponsored by Capita

Content TBA

School Improvement Theatre
10:10 am - 10:40 am
Session Sponsored by Randstad

Content TBA

Trust & Trustees Theatre
10:10 am - 10:40 am
Sponsored Session Lesson Up

Content TBA

Main Stage
10:30 am - 10:50 am
Keynote Address – Address from the Shadow Secretary of State for Education
  • The direction of Education Policy under a Labour Government
  • The values which underpin Labour’s approach to the school system
  • What to expect from a Labour Government when working with the sector
Trust & Trustees Theatre
10:50 am - 11:20 am
Starting a New or Joining a MAT: A Governors Perspective
  • The role of governors in the decision-making process of establishing a MAT or joining an established Trust
  • A change of role to become a trustee or an academy local governor
  • The role of trustees in growing or merging a trust
  • Developing a shared understanding and vision across the governing boards


Emma Knights OBE
National Governance Association
Main Stage
11:00 am - 11:20 am
Keynote Address: Education Spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats
  • What education means to the Liberal Democrats
  • The Liberal vision for education
School Improvement Theatre
11:00 am - 11:45 am
Outcomes vs Attendance: Can We Have One Without the Other?
  • Exploring the links between attendance and outcomes
  • The impact attendance has on family welfare
  • The role the whole school community has to play in supporting improving pupil attendance data
  • How pastoral practices impact on wider school improvement
  • Developing a culture of attendance and improved outcomes


Sir Andrew Carter K.B.E
South Farnham Educational Trust
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
11:20 am - 12:05 pm
Developing Your School of The Future and The Quest for Net Zero
  • The process of decarbonising your school
  • Assessing your estates potential to develop current infrastructure for retro fitting
  • Identifying creative design solutions to ensure your buildings are sustainable
Main Stage
11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Retention, Recruitment and Reciprocity: Competencies Needed To Lead A Successful Education System
  • What skills and talent are required within the sector
  • Creating working environments which retain staff
  • Developing organisational capacity through developing your staff


Jon Severs


Jack Worth
School Workforce Lead
Natalie Perera
Steve Rollett
Deputy CEO
Confederation of School Trusts
Trust & Trustees Theatre
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Session Sponsored by The Education Development Trust

Content TBA

Business & Finance Theatre
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Simplification of Central Functions
  • Why MATs should think about centralising back office functions
  • What functions should be included in your centralisation project
  • How to set about centralising central functions, outlining the process and assessing the results
  • Overcoming challenges to simplifying core functions and what happens afterwards


Stephen Mitchell
Keystone Knowledge
School Improvement Theatre
12:05 pm - 12:35 pm
Session Sponsored by Education Development Trust

Content TBA

Trust & Trustees Theatre
12:10 pm - 12:50 pm
The Evolution of Academy Trusts
  • Preparing Academy Trusts for the next phase of the academisation agenda and what this will entail
  • Exploring the Quality Trust Descriptors and the Academies Regulatory and Commissioning Review
  • Five Pillars of Trust Quality and how these will shape the future of the sector


John Murphy
Chief Executive Officer
Oasis Community Learning


Anita Notta
Executive Principal/ Chief Executive Officer
Khalsa Academies Trust
David Withey
Chief Executive
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Nourishing the Future: Sustainable Food in Schools
  • How not to break the bank whilst serving sustainable food
  • Best practice examples on reducing food waste, serving up sustainable menus and using local produce
  • Practical advice to introduce food education projects that focus on sustainability
Wellbeing & Safeguarding Theatre
12:25 pm - 1:25 pm
Wellbeing Takeover

12:25 – 12:30
Chair’s Opening /Intro

12:30 – 12:45
Case Study One

12:45- 13:00
Case Study Two

13:00 -13:15
Case Study Three

13:10- 13:25
Q and A

SEND Theatre
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
New National Standards from the SEND and AP Plan: What You Need to Know
  • How the Standards will impact the role of the SENCO
  • Preparing for the change required by the SEND and AP Plan
  • Understanding the changes to the space
  • Having a timeline and road map to changes
School Improvement Theatre
12:45 pm - 1:15 pm
Allocating Resources Where It Matters: Slashing Your Supply Costs
  • Tackling the cost of supply and how this should be spent elsewhere
  • Providing consistent learning experiences
  • Addressing staff absences in order to maintain routines
Business & Finance Theatre
12:55 pm - 1:25 pm
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance: How to Plan a Budget in Changing Circumstances
  • How to overcome the challenges for accurate forecasting and budgeting
  • Navigating fluid situations, with the resources you have
  • The process of risk assessing your three-year budget
School Improvement Theatre
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Staying Power : Ensuring your Governance Work is Sustainable
  • Managing your governance workload: how to govern well without drowning
  • Doing things differently: approaches to complaints and exclusion panels
  • Recruiting and retaining volunteers
  • Working well with your Senior Leadership Team and governance professional


Emma Knights OBE
National Governance Association
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Reimagining Climate Change Education in Primary
  • Moving from science-based climate change education to expansive education: immersive, attentive and trans-disciplinary
  • Sharing examples of empowering pupils by enabling them to develop new alternatives to dominant conventions
  • Nurturing hope, agency and voice to increase pupils’ engagement in climate change discussions
  • Sketching out a roadmap for delivering a tiered approach to climate change curriculum
Main Stage
1:10 pm - 1:40 pm
Everyday is a School Day: What You Learn as Chief Inspector
  • Reflecting on my time as Chief Inspector
  • A vision for the Ofsted of the future
  • The journey of Ofsted over my time in office
SEND Theatre
1:10 pm - 1:40 pm
Adding The Strings to The SENCO Bow: Building Your SENCO Skill Set
  • The importance of continual learning for SEND Practitioners
  • Using your skill set to support your setting for accountability measures
  • Seeking CPD which will have the greatest impact in your setting
School Improvement Theatre
1:25 pm - 2:05 pm
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Building the Skill Set for Leadership
  • CPD beyond the NPQ framework
  • Understanding the change required for different stages of leadership
  • How to successfully succession plan through a robust management structure
  • The importance of a clear strategy and vision for developing all leaders within schools
  • How to manage relationships and interactions
Business & Finance Theatre
1:35 pm - 2:05 pm
Using AI to Support your School Resource Management
  • Exploring the role of AI in deploying resources within your setting
  • How can AI support your resource management?
  • Implementing AI as a tool for resource management


Stephen Mitchell
Keystone Knowledge
Wellbeing & Safeguarding Theatre
1:40 pm - 2:10 pm
A Poster in the Staffroom Does Not Address Your Staff Wellbeing
  • Actionable steps your school should take to improve staff wellbeing
  • What a school which takes wellbeing seriously looks like
  • How to develop a coherent plan to address wellbeing


Jon Needham
Director of Safeguarding
Oasis Community Learning Multi-Academy Trust
Trust & Trustees Theatre
1:45 pm - 2:15 pm
Rethinking Models of Governance
  • How remodelling you governance structure can benefit your trust
  • The process of reviewing your governance and implementing change collaboratively
  • Selecting governors with expertise
  • Establishing clear lines of communication from the governing body to leadership
Main Stage
1:50 pm - 2:35 pm
In the Right Place, At the Right Time, Doing the Right Thing: Exploring the Links Between Behaviour and Attendance
  • What values underpin our interactions with pupils and staff?
  • Understanding which approaches work to improve behaviour… and which don’t
  • What better attendance means for your behaviour policies


Jon Severs
SEND Theatre
1:50 pm - 2:20 pm
All for One and One for All: Developing Neuro-Inclusive Schools for both Staff and Children
  • How to make sure your setting is inclusive for both staff and pupils who identify as neurodivergent
  • Building a supportive culture, which understands the needs of neurodivergent learners, and how this will benefit your entire school community
  • Ensuring your setting has provision for the wider school community who have special educational needs
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
1:50 pm - 2:20 pm
Utilising The Condition Improvement Fund
  • How to plan your school improvement projects
  • Ensuring your estate strategy is well thought out and considered
  • Assessing your priorities for estate development
School Improvement Theatre
2:15 pm - 2:45 pm
The Cost of The Cost of Living
  • What steps have schools been taking to mitigate the impacts of the cost of living crisis
  • Preventing digital poverty impacting on access to learning and outcomes
  • Removing the stigma attached to Free School Meals
  • How has the cost of living crisis been impacting schools
Business & Finance Theatre
2:15 pm - 2:45 pm
Working With the Business World to Get the Most for Your Setting
  • How school and business leaders can work together to develop skills and knowledge
  • Organisations working together to understand the systemic barriers to social mobility
  • Developing a culture with purpose, which pairs with a vision
Trust & Trustees Theatre
2:25 pm - 2:55 pm
Re-launching a MAT: There Is a Tide in The Affairs of Men. Which, Taken at the Flood, Leads on to Fortune
  • Assessing a coasting MAT to understand when a re-launch is necessary, thus allowing focused improvement
  • The journey of re-establishing vision and ethos, to ensure your culture is right
  • Understanding challenges and opportunities with re-launching a MAT and how this supports growth in the long term
Wellbeing & Safeguarding Theatre
2:25 pm - 2:55 pm
No Weak Links in The Chain: Understanding Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility
  • Ensuring all voices are heard when addressing safeguarding concerns
  • Removing adultifcation bias from your safeguarding procedures
  • Bringing all staff within your setting on your safeguarding journey
SEND Theatre
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Principles Only Mean Something When You Stick to Them When It’s Inconvenient: CST’s Paper on SEND
  • The five principles guiding the CST’s approach to SEND provision
  • Taking ownership of the SEND space and deciding the direction of travel for the SEND sector
  • The contents of CST’s paper and what this means for practice within the SEND space
Sustainability & Estates Theatre
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Learning Spaces

14:30 – 14:35 Introduction

14:35- 14:55 – The Intersection of Environment and Learning : Lessons from HE

  • How to utilise your built environment for learning
  • Integrating space for learning in modern estate management
  • Strategies for creating inclusive and equitable learning environment

14:55 – 15:15 – The Power of Space

  • Understanding the influence of physical learning environments on student motivation
  • Examining strategies to promote collaboration, group work, and peer-to-peer interaction through purposeful design
  • Adaptability and flexibility in designing spaces that will accommodate evolving educational needs
  • Exploring the power of sensory stimuli to enhance learning and memory retention



Jo Marchant
School Resource Management Adviser (SRMA) and Head of Estates
Education for the 21st Century
Main Stage
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
Turning The Tide: The Role of Area Based Partnerships in a School-Led System
  • How do schools work together in a fragmented educational landscape?
  • The importance of contextually informed decision making and locally driven action
  • What is the future of area-based cooperation?


Stephen Morales
Chief Executive
Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)
School Improvement Theatre
2:55 pm - 3:25 pm
School Improvement Is a Journey: How to Get Off On The Right Start
  • How to lay solid foundations for your school improvement process
  • Identifying priorities and quick wins
  • Developing a culture which strives for greatness
Business & Finance Theatre
2:55 pm - 3:25 pm
All Present and Correct : Keeping on Top of the Audit and Compliance Process
  • How to effectively manage your auditing process
  • Ensuring you are up to date with reporting and auditing
  • Challenges faced by school business managers in maintaining compliance and how to overcome these


Simon Oxenham
Director of Resources
Southend High School
SEND Theatre
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm
Deployment of TAs : What The Literature Said
  • Supporting your use of Teaching Assistants through understanding the academic literature
  • Understanding the complexity of deploying teaching assistants
  • Trends identified in the use of teaching assistants
  • Exploring relationships between early career teachers and teaching assistants
Wellbeing & Safeguarding Theatre
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm
Inclusive Safeguarding and Policy Formation: Why It Matters
  • Framing policy by dealing with the positive
  • How to cut through the hysteria around the policy
  • Understanding the Department for Education’s guidance on SRE
  • Inclusive safeguarding – what are schools doing to be inclusive with their policy creation?